Matzah Cake Recipe

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matzo meal cake recipe

This matzah cake recipe makes the perfect dessert for Passover!  This yummy cake is made with matzo meal instead of flour :)  This matzah cake is baked in a bundt pan, which makes it bake evenly and look very interesting – I haven’t seen the bundt matzo cake anywhere else :)

This matzah cake is light and soft, has great texture and best of all, it is low fat!  This matzah cake recipe doesn’t use any oil or butter, making a healthy cake for your Passover seder table.

Matzo meal is the ground matzah, and it is sold in large supermarkets in the “Kosher” section.   If you can’t find matzo meal, you can easily make your own in less than a minute – just grind the matzah in the food processor fitted with the steel blade.

Note: after I posted this recipe, a reader told me there are 2 kinds of matzo meal: regular matzo meal and cake matzo meal.  Regular matzo meal has larger crumbs than the cake one.  For this recipe, I used the cake matzo meal.  If all you have is the regular matzo meal, you can turn it into the “cake” one by processing it in the food processor for 30 seconds to give it a finer texture.

On the cake picture above, the top of the cake is sprinkled with the colored sprinkles – the kids were surely having fun making this matzo cake :)  Of course, you don’t need to use sprinkles on your cake.  You can leave the matzo cake plain or frost it with a frosting of your choice.  If you are looking for a good frosting recipe, check out my recipe for homemade white frosting.

Matzah Cake Recipe

Ingredients For Matzah Cake

  • 7 eggs
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 1/4 cup matzo cake meal
  • 1 tsp baking powder

Instructions How To Make Matzah Cake

  • Preheat the oven to 400F and spray the non-stick bundt pan with the cooking spray.
  • Carefully separate the egg whites from egg yolks.
  • Whisk the egg whites in a large bowl until stiff speaks form. Continue whisking and gradually add the sugar and egg yolks.
  • Keep whisking and slowly add the matzo meal and baking powder. Whisk until combined.
  • Pour the batter into the bundt pan. Put in the oven and baking for 35 minutes.

Enjoy this yummy and light matzo cake!

Here’s the picture of the box of matzo meal that you need to use to make the matzah cake:

matzo meal picture

And here’s the picture of the slice of this matzah cake made with the matzo meal:

matzo cake slice

Also, check out my Matzo Brie recipe for fried matzah.  Another great way to eat matzah is simply spread it with jam – take a look at matzah with jam – yum!

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  1. Recipe looks easy and cake looks good but you should probably specify that it’s matzah ‘cake’ meal and not regular matzah meal. Your picture shows it but not any of the text and there’s a huge difference for someone who doesn’t know! lol

  2. Totally just made and served. It wasn’t bad, kinda chewy and dry. More like a pound cake in texture and I had to remove it from the oven 9 min early. When I began to add ingredients, my eggs fell real flat. I glazed mine, added colored sprinkles as this was a cake for my nephew’s birthday. I really liked how easy this was and will make again but might add butter or coconut oil and a flavor like chocolate or lemon or something. Thank you for the share and for helping make a birthday during Pesach!

  3. This cake is technically not proper for Passover because of the use of baking powder. To be suitable for Passover any recipe can not use any leavening agent.

    1. This is not the halachah. Baking powder is not a problematic rising agent in the context of Pesach. Baking powder’s affect on a cake, for example, is not what is forbidden in term of chometz for Pesach. But everyone should consult their own rabbi on these issues.

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