Kirkland Roasted Seaweed – Dried Seaweed Snacks From Costco

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kirkland roasted seaweed snacks costco

I love roasted seaweed snacks!  Small thin pieces of dried seaweed are so addictive!  Dried roasted seaweed is low calorie and healthy – seaweed is a great source of iodine, vitamin A and vitamin C.

Costco has great deals on seaweed snacks.  Before Costco used to carry JayOne roasted seaweed snacks, and now they’ve replaced it with their own Kirkland brand of dried seaweed snacks – Kirkland Roasted Seasoned Seaweed.  Costco sells the Kirkland seaweed snacks in the case of 10 packages.

Costco Kirkland Roasted Seaweed tastes exactly the same as the JayOne Roasted Seaweed.  The only difference is package size.  JayOne seaweed packages are much smaller, in fact more than 3 times smaller.  Kirkland seaweed snack package size is 17 grams, while JayOne dried seaweed is just 5 grams.  The individual package of Kirkland dried seaweed is too big to eat all at once – I usually eat about one third and save the rest for later.

Here’s the nutritional information for Kirkland Roasted Seaweed snacks – serving size 1/5 package, 20 calories, 1.5 g fat, zero saturated fat, zero trans fat, zero cholesterol, 60 mg sodium, 1 g total carbohydrate, zero fiber, 1 g protein, 25% vitamin A, 6% vitamin C, 1 % iron.  The ingredients are seaweed, corn oil, grape seed oil, sesame oil and sea salt.

Here are some more pictures of Costco Kirkland dried roasted seaweed snacks:

Individual roasted seaweed package –

kirkland roasted seaweed snacks costco

Opened package of seaweed snacks:

dried seaweed snacks open package

One piece of dried roasted seaweed:

thin dried seaweed piece

How do you eat roasted seaweed?  I just eat that seaweed by itself as a snack!  Other ways to eat dried seaweed is to wrap it around sushi (see my california rolls recipe) or cut it up with scissors and put in a salad.  And if you like seaweed, also check out Costco seaweed salad.

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  1. I ate the whole package!! I now have to buy 20 packs because my girls love them as much as I do. Eating these stops (although not entirely, lol) me from eating my true passion….Classic Lay’s Potato Chips! These are just as good, and better for you.

  2. Hi! I found this post while chomping on a package of these and searching for other things I could do with it! I just found these this weekend on our weekly Costco trip and I’m obsessed. It is almost -like snacking on some sushi, but cost effective and way healthier! Glad to have found another roasted seaweed lover! :) I’m going to go check out your california roll recipe now.

  3. I am totally addicted to these things. I can eat them like chips, hearin lies my concern, the nutritional facts state that one pack contains 125% of daily recommended dosage of vitamin A. Normally exceeding a daily recommended dose of a vitamin wouldn’t concern me, but vitamin A is fat soluble, therefore if eaten in excess can cause toxicity. I feel that including the iu in question would be most helpful in deciding just how heathy this snack is. As daily consumption of IU of vitamin A varies in the population I would very much like to see this small Change implemented. I believe it would be more informative than just a %. That’s for the chance to offer input.

    1. Regarding toxicity, seaweed is also a good source of iodine and too much iodine can lead to toxicity. Amounts can vary and it isn’t stated on the label, but I wouldn’t eat more than 1 of these packages a day. And you wouldn’t want to be using iodized table salt and also eating seaweed…

  4. Thank you for your website and the comments. Just purchased this product and was going to return it immediately after viewing other sites. Now I will give it a try-please post more ideals in what to do with this product. I’m a newbie.

  5. Hi Melanie,

    I was looking for Iodine value in Kirkland Roasted and Seasoned Seaweeds. The nutritive value on the package as well as in your article do not mention the Iodine %. Please let me know if you can.


    1. four of us…an excess of iodine can mess with thyroid…I really need to know how much iodine is in this seaweed…it is a very good snack!

  6. I would also like to know the iodine content in the Kirkland Roasted and Seasoned Seaweed. This information would be very useful to include on the package.

  7. I too would like to know the iodine content % of a pack of Kirkland Roasted and seasoned seaweed. I need more iodine in my diet and hopefully this will fill the bill.

    Thank You

  8. Yes, I have looked everywhere on the package for the iodine content and could not find any. Does that mean there is no iodine in the seaweed? Please let me know the iodine content. Other than that I love them!

  9. Does anyone know what type of seaweed is used by Kirkland? There are many types and they have varying iodine levels.

  10. I am so addicted to this seaweed snack, I eat a whole pack at once like chips. I want to know how much would be too much as far as iodine and possible contaminates? Now that I found this great deal at Costco I could eat a whole pack a day or more. Is this too much?

  11. i prefer plain nori thats found in the ethnic aisle at grocery stores or speciality asian markets…i thought this kirkland brand was too greasy and it made me feel ill…. if you eat the plain dried nori its has no fat… just nori and salt

    1. I found the same, one Kirkland brand badly soiled my couch with oil on the bottom of the package, had not had such a problem with the Sea Salt Nori!!

  12. I found these last year and yes very addictive. I try and limit myself since I really don’t like potato chips at all. I wrap them around some rice which makes a good healty snack that keeps me going until lunch. And they are vegan!

  13. Thinking about other uses;
    Maybe adding to spinach dip… giving it an Asian spin.. thinking 1 SW to 10oz spinach, adding soy or fish sauce, rice wine vinegar or mirin, maybe a bit of toasted sesame oil

  14. They discontinued that brand of seaweed. The new ones they carry contain cheap grapeseed oil. Do not purchase seaweed with grapeseed oil. Always opt for ones with health oil such as olive oil.

  15. The Costco store in Oxnard CA has been out of the Kirkland brand for months. They now sell this brand which is not as good.KIM Nori and it does not list the amount of iodine in their package.

  16. Loved the Nori seaweed that was at Costco, have not found it last 2 times and the Kirkland package is much more than I would eat in one sitting whereas Nori size is perfect. The main question is on Iodine, Kirkland has no data and Nori gives you 35% DV in one serving. Does anyone know iodine content of Kirkland Seaweed? No info on Costco website

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