How To Make Lasagna Step-By-Step Instructions

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Lasagna is a layered pasta dish.  If you never made lasagna before, it can be overwhelming to figure out how to assemble the lasagna layers.  Here are the step-by-step instructions how to make lasagna – with pictures!

This is the step-by-step guide to lasagna making process.  For the exact recipe and proportions of ingredients, go to Easy Meat Lasagna Recipe.

Step 1 Of How To Make Lasagna: Boil Or Soak Lasagna Noodles

Before assembling lasagna, you have to make lasagna noodles soft.  You can do it by either boiling lasagna noodles according to directions printed on their package, or you can soak them in hot water.  I prefer the soaking method since it’s much easier.  Just put the lasagna noodles in the baking dish, and fill with hot tap water.  In 15 minutes, lasagna noodles will be soft without boiling.  See also: making no-boil lasagna.

Here’s the picture of the softened lasagna noodle:

lasagna noodle picture

Step 2 Of How To Make Lasagna: Make Meat Sauce

Cook chopped onion on a frying pan, add ground meat and cook through, then add tomato sauce and add salt and pepper to taste.

meat and tomato sauce

Step 3 Of How To Make Lasagna: Pour Tomato Sauce On The Bottom Of The Baking Dish

Pour just enough tomato sauce to coat the bottom of the baking dish:

tomato sauce on the bottom of the baking dish

Step 4 Of How To Make Lasagna: Add A Layer Of Lasagna Noodles

Put lasagna noodles in a baking dish side by side in a single layer.

first layer of lasagna

Step 5 Of How To Make Lasagna: Add A Meat Sauce Layer

Spread the meat sauce on top of the lasagna noodles to make a meat sauce layer.

meat sauce layer of lasagna

Step 6 Of How To Make Lasagna: Add Another Layer Of Lasagna Noodles

Put lasagna noodles side-by-side in a single layer on top of the meat sauce

second layer of lasagna noodles

Step 7 Of How To Make Lasagna: Add Tomato Sauce

Pour 1 cup of tomato sauce on top of the lasagna noodles.  Spread it if necessary so it evenly covers the lasagna noodles.

add tomato sauce

Step 8 Of How To Make Lasagna: Add Ricotta Cheese

Add ricotta cheese to lasagna.  First, just spoon it onto the lasagna, then spread it with your hands to form a single layer.

Here’s a picture of when the ricotta was first put on the lasagna (before spreading it even).

adding ricotta cheese to the lasagna

Step 9 Of How To Make Lasagna: Add Another Layer Of Lasagna Noodles

Put lasagna noodles side-by-side in a single layer on top of the ricotta cheese

another layer of lasagna noodles

Step 10 Of How To Make Lasagna: Add Tomato Sauce

Pour the remaining tomato sauce on top of the lasagna.

tomato sauce on top of the lasagna

Step 11 Of How To Make Lasagna: Sprinkle With Shredded Cheese

Congratulations!  You got to the last lasagna layer – shredded cheese! Sprinkle the lasagna with shredded cheese of your choice, and it will be ready to go in the oven.

sprinkle lasagna with shredded cheese

Here’s the picture where you can see all the beautiful layers of the assembled lasagna:

assembled lasagna layers picture

Step 12 Of How To Make Lasagna: Bake The Lasagna

Cover the lasagna dish with foil.  Put the lasagna in preheated 350F oven and bake for 40 minutes.  Uncover the foil and bake for an additional 10 minutes.

Take the lasagna out of the oven.  Wait for 10 minutes before cutting and serving the lasagna.

Here’s the picture of baked lasagna, ready to eat!

baked cooked lasagna

For the exact ingredient details, please see Easy Meat Lasagna Recipe.

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  1. I just stopped by to say thank you for the recipe for the lasagna. It was my first time making it and it turned out delicious. I followed the step by step and my family loved and couldn’t believe I cooked it. Again, thanks for sharing.

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